Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Foodbuzz 24, 24, 24: The Humble Egg Dresses for Dinner - Blog Posts - Foodbuzz

This is one of my favorite food blogs!  Linsey is artistic and creative.  I have yet to eat anything she has made…however, the pictures are usually enough.

Foodbuzz 24, 24, 24: The Humble Egg Dresses for Dinner - Blog Posts - Foodbuzz

Friday, April 3, 2009

Peter Arnell Explains Failed Tropicana Package Design - Advertising Age - Video

You all need to watch this video.  It is a case study on what not to do to brand packaging. 

This guy single handedly thought he knew more than the consumers and the people who actually run the brand at PepsiCo.  What a conceited schmuck.

In the next year or so, it will become one of the biggest case studies in college marketing courses of what not to do and make the case for using key consumers and customers in the creative process!

Peter Arnell Explains Failed Tropicana Package Design - Advertising Age - Video

Wednesday, April 1, 2009 Warning sought for burger the size of your head

Okay…so I am getting into this new Window’s live thing and it lets me blog instantly.  This may give me new motivation and the ability to blog more frequently. 

So…here is my first, what I am terming a “blogette.”  It’s not quite as long as a blog post…and its certainly not a “tweet” from twitter.

I cam across this article this morning on  It was absolutely hilarious on a few points. 

1.  the "vegan” society—or something like that, wants some warning put on here.

2.  the dietician wants a warning on here that says extremely unhealthy.

3.  I want a warning on here that says, WILL cause gas, bad breath, impacted colon and diarrhea—all at once.

And in the end it is a marketing gimmick.  Who really cares if something eats this 8 pound, $20 burger.  The only one suffering is the person that eats and eventually re-tastes this treat.  It’s not like its a 3x a week adventure.  I would think those people who go to McDonalds or Burger King 3-4 times a week will actually consumer quite a bit more than this knuckle head wolfing the delectable delight down at a some minor league sporting event.

So…in the end I say…”Why now enjoy it with a 48 ounce beer?” Warning sought for burger the size of your head

Monday, March 2, 2009

SparkNotes: The Communist Manifesto: Summary

Read this summary and look up the full manifesto. I'd hate to think we are heading back here. I can certainly draw my own connections. Can you?

SparkNotes: The Communist Manifesto: Summary

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March 2nd snow storm...

So, it is March 2nd and we just got almost a foot of snow dumped on us here in northern MA. Not too unusual for us, but you know what, I just don't want any more snow. As I get older, I get more frustrated with the weather. I used to love the snow. Skiing was all we used to talk about growing up. I remember getting up at 5AM and driving 3 hours to Killington to ski and then drive home. Now, if its below 35 degrees, I just don't want to do it!

Meanwhile...back in reality...

I think I just posted some notes on the Communist Manifesto. I find it eerily ironic that our society is encroaching on something that was so revered for so long. I also find it eerily ironic that both sides of the aisle have a place in line to help make it happen.

I don't like government spending, especially at this level we are embarking on: $1.7 TRILLION. And we are going to cut our deficit in half in the next 4 years by taxing the rich. Great. Oh, I almost forgot, that doesn't include $600 BILLION for healthcare. I think we are about to endanger more of our future than anyone can fathom. Tax and spend is back. I can't wait to see the inflation numbers in 12 months. Artificial economic growth. My prediction is that the Poor/Rich line lowers from $250,000 in the next year.

I don't think that we should bail out any of the automanufacturers. If it is such an important peice of our economy, why do we buy more cars from foreign manufacturers? Why are their cars so much better than our Made In America cars? They may look good, but they run poorly. I love that President O was quoted as saying "we still make the best cars in the world..." and then then next day Consumer Reports ranks GM and Chrystler as the bottom 2 out of the 15 auto manufacturers. Nice understanding of the marketplace Mr. President.

If in fact we do own something like 45% of the banking industry as citizens...when do I get to see my returns? Do I now get employee benefits suchs as no fee ATM's or low rate mortgages? Bush started the socialization process of the banking industry...I was hoping that the Big O would stop, oh wait, let's just dump another 1/2 Billion into it.

The first thing I learned in business is that you can't just throw money at a problem. I thought that this was common knowledge. It would have been nice to go about this in a systematic way of thinking through the problem and making LOTS of changes. Einstein said (and I paraphrase), you can't solve a problem using the same mindset that created it. It is just impossible. You can't think harder, you have to think differently. You can't go back to things you have done in the past and expect them to change what is happening know.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Haven't posted since December...

Okay, so I have started to write again for those who may have read my posts last year. Some running commentary that has been on my mind since my last post. In no particular order...

  1. This years American Idol (I am a huge fan)...Stinks
  2. I think the stimulus package is a load of bull-puckey...nothing will stimulate my personal income. President Obama will NOT make it rain Skittles and create a place where dogs and cats get along.
  3. Alex Rodriguez is the biggest detriment to ALL professional sports. Greed is NOT good...and cheating should cause a lifetime ban.
  4. Pete Rose should be allowed to get into the Hall of Fame...MLB is a hypocrisy.
  5. Manny Ramirez is the quintessential definition of kids used to want to be like not so much (and they are 6 and 9)
  6. The marketplace is tough right now and I think there is a lot of available money out there and many companies are climbing on the "help us" bandwagon.
  7. I think the media is the biggest propaganda machine that dictates how the general public thinks and acts...and we have no control over it.
  8. We need to get back to family first...I don't really know what that means, but I like the notion.
  9. Business travel is still getting worse and more expensive.
  10. Gas prices went down and the airlines are still charging the premiums for checked bags and soda costs $5 now.
I hope to be posting more. I have a lot on my mind and I need to organize it and let it flow...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Wow. Governor Blagojevich from Illinois is my hero...only due to the fact that he must have the biggest set of stones EVER. Who the hell does this guy really think he is? Isn't organized crime--racketeering, bribery and payoffs-something out of days of old? I always thought the old-boy, money in the envelope thing was a Republican party trick...military contracts, oil payoffs, etc. But this is great. Thievery is bi-partisan!

Below, find the unofficial timeline of this fiasco that the Governor has created. No names have been changed to protect the innocent....

Here I am...Nice and happy. I am governor of Illinois. Running a fairly populous state (thanks to Chicago). Doing what I do and doing a good job at it....

"So that (expletive/derogatory statement) Obama is going to be president...and you want his Senate seat...well you have to pay to play. You, know what my favorite movie is? Let me give you a line..."

"Isn't that that a great clip from the movie? I probably shouldn't be talking to you over the phone. Do you hear that faint clicking/beeping sound? It must be a bad connection...oh know what you have to do...If you want the Senate seat...You have to SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!"

A few weeks later, the good Governor had a knock at his door at 4:15 a.m. Could the dog be out? What could it be?

The good Governor had a not-so-happy-to-see-me face on...Busted! Taken away by federal agents who had been monitoring his business dealings. This puts a whole new side on the face of Illinois politics. Is this the same state who had thousands of dead people vote for one of the Daly's? What a state! What a country.

Now...the implications of this situation are causing a lot of questoning to the state of Illinois politics.

To feel good about this if you live in Illinois: